Fisher and Paykel

Fisher and paykel is a household name since its New Zealand founding in 1934. It was a pleasure to work with a brand with such rich design heritage in the otherwise potentially bland world of Appliances. This was a particuarly wide reaching project, collaborating with teams all over the world to deliver their new digital experience.

Fisher & Paykel turn up the heat with their new website

Fisher and paykel is a household name since its New Zealand founding in 1934. It was a pleasure to work with a brand with such rich design heritage in the otherwise potentially bland world of Appliances. This was a particuarly wide reaching project, collaborating with teams all over the world to deliver their new digital experience.

Fisher Paykel homepage design


Google friendly page headings allow for greater accessibility when entering this page straight via Google.




Google friendly page headings allow for greater accessibility when entering this page straight via Google.

Product Set Overview

Having an overview here above the fold is a great way of managing information hierarchy on such a lengthy page



Product Set Overview

Having an overview here above the fold is a great way of managing information hierarchy on such a lengthy page

Information Hierarchy

Offloading very technical information behind popups allow for a more streamlined experience



Information Hierarchy

Offloading very technical information behind popups allow for a more streamlined experience

Online Service Booking

Fisher Paykel service booking design

Booking A Service

Fisher and Paykel wanted to redesign the experience for booking an engineer to service an appliance



Booking A Service

Fisher and Paykel wanted to redesign the experience for booking an engineer to service an appliance

A different checkout

The process of booking an appointment follows a similar flow to checkout - focussing on simple forms and data capture to prevent page abandonment



A different checkout

The process of booking an appointment follows a similar flow to checkout - focussing on simple forms and data capture to prevent page abandonment

Fisher Paykel service booking design

Managing Information

It's crucial to offload non essential information away from the main flow in such a way as to not distract users. Lightboxes are used here to best manage the information hierarchy.



Managing Information

It's crucial to offload non essential information away from the main flow in such a way as to not distract users. Lightboxes are used here to best manage the information hierarchy.

Responsive Tables

Tables can be notoriously tricky to design for responsively while still getting across the information clearly. All options toward responsive tables are considered before deciding the best approach.



Responsive Tables

Tables can be notoriously tricky to design for responsively while still getting across the information clearly. All options toward responsive tables are considered before deciding the best approach.

Fisher Paykel service booking design

User Reassurance

As is best practice with Checkout journeys, the user is reassured of their progress using breadcrumbs



User Reassurance

As is best practice with Checkout journeys, the user is reassured of their progress using breadcrumbs

Fisher Paykel service booking design

Iterations and Options

Problems often have multiple design solutions - an iterative design process consisting of multiple rounds of feedback is essential



Iterations and Options

Problems often have multiple design solutions - an iterative design process consisting of multiple rounds of feedback is essential

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